
Holy Trinity is a great church for weddings.  If you live in the parish, and have UK or EU citizenship, you can be married after the reading of banns. You can find out more at our dedicated weddings website   

If one of you does not have EU or UK citizenship, you cannot be married by banns, and must get a license from Lambeth Town Hall (A Superintendent Registrar’s License) after which you can be married in church.  You have to tell them you are getting married at Holy Trinity Church and need an SRC license for that purpose.  This is due to a change in the law passed by the current government in 2015.
Please use the contact form to make an enquiry.

Our Unique Reception Venue

In 2024 we finished building our beautiful Hand Built Hall at Holy Trinity, which seats 120 around tables.  Find out more at


If you need your banns reading at Holy Trinity please download and complete the Wedding Application form and email it to the Vicar.  Banns must be read three times within the three months before your wedding, so you must arrange them at least three Sundays before – preferably 4-6 months in advance!
You are more than welcome to come and listen to your banns being read during the morning service.  We shall also pray for your wedding preparations, the Day itself, and your on-going life together.  Once your banns have been read, you can come back and pick up the certificate.
There is a statutory fee which is reviewed annually. In 2025 it is £56.00. It is best to pay this online (mark as: “your name-banns”).

Check whether you live in the parish with Parish Finder.

Marriage Preparation

We love doing weddings here at Holy Trinity, and we also offer a really good four-week free Marriage Preparation Course.  It is ideal both for couples who have been together for a decade or more, and those whose relationship is younger.  We put together our Marriage Prep according to demand – you don’t even have to be getting married in this church. Just ask for details.

Using Your Own Pastor

If you would like your own pastor to marry you here, rather than have an Anglican Marriage service, you can hire the church.  When doing this, most people get married “legally” at the Registry Office a day or two before and then celebrate their wedding “spiritually” afterwards.
Please use the contact form to make an enquiry.

Same Sex Partnerships and Equal Marriage

The Church of England does not yet allow Equal Marriage to be solemnised in church. However, there are set prayers of blessing (known as Prayers of Love and Faith) which may be used in church for same-sex partnerships, and our clergy are delighted to offer these.  If you would like to bring your partnership to God for such blessing – for example, after a civil wedding, or at any other stage, please come to church and speak to one of the clergy, or use the contact form to make an enquiry.  

As with many churches, there is a diversity of views, feelings and experiences relating to Equal Marriage among the congregation. The Church Council as a body is supportive of the right of clergy to use the Prayers of Love and Faith in Holy Trinity Church, so please enquire.

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill