Our Main Sunday Service is at 10.30am, with Trinity Kids, Youth Church, and Creche. Both front and side doors are always open, offering completely step-free access.
EVERYONE is welcome to share the bread and wine of Holy Communion at Holy Trinity. You do not have to be confirmed, and there is no minimum age. Children in Y5 and above often help with distributing the bread. Members of youth church (Y7+) also participate in our music and technical teams.
On the third Sunday of the month we have a service without Holy Communion (PRet – Prayers etc.); the sermon is split into two or three parts with a song or prayers in between, and after the last part we usually split into small groups with people sitting nearby, for discussion of issues raised; or sometimes we use the time available for prayer, reflection or worship.
This is what people have said about services at Holy Trinity:
“… a relaxed, diverse and compassionate service that engages everyone from children to young people as well as parents and community elders.” (Josh)
“Everyone is so approachable, the atmosphere is relaxing, the service makes me feel complete and I come away with all sorts of things to think about.” (Natalie)
“As someone interested in politics and current issues, I appreciate the way the sermons are earthed and the Bible connected with everyday life.” (Graham)
“It’s a place for all ages, and it means so much that the kids are involved up front, reading and helping lead the service.” (Gifty)
“… A safe place where I could both be relaxed and contribute.” (Jenny)
All Age Worship (KFC – Kids & Families Church) All Age Worship takes place on the First Sunday of each month. There are games, memory verses, interviews, art/craft as well as songs, prayers, a talk, and so on. We always have a singe theme holding the service together, and so our main learning is drip-fed throughout. Stay engaged, and you’ll get the point!
Watch this video to understand more of our philosophy of All Age Worship.
First Sunday (Evening Service) We also have an Evening Service on First Sunday of the month at 6.30, except Easter, Harvest and New Year. These follow a pattern throughout the year of: Noisy – Quiet – Teaching – Healing.