Change to our christmas services

Dear Friends,

It is with great regret that we have decided to cancel all of our Christmas Services in Church this year.

Although, under Tier 4, public worship is “permitted”, with the new rapidly spreading variant of the virus we are not fully confident that we can make the church a safe space for worshippers and our volunteer cleaning staff.

Our carol service was always going to be on Zoom, and we will still be doing this. Here are the details – it will be great if you can join in:

Join Zoom Meeting (no need to prebook):
Meeting ID: 819 2357 3701

Passcode: 847735

Try to: wear something christmassy, have a glass of something for a Christmas toast at the end, and have a candle lit near you.

We already have short online Christmas Eve and Christmas Day reflections planned, and we are thinking about what to do regarding the Christingle Service. We will let you know.

God bless,
Richard & the Leadership Team, Holy Trinity Tulse Hill.

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill