Living Vision

Our aim is to be channels of God’s transforming love

Our AimOur Aim:  Why have an aim? We have an aim because God himself is purposeful and because Jesus calls us to be fruitful. When we focus our life together according to a stated mission it helps us be more productive in service because we’re reminded of what we’re about, and we can measure our activities according to the aim.

is to be

To be: “being” comes before “doing”. Our aim will certainly lead us to “do” many things, but they must flow from our being in Christ, our relationship with God, with one another, and with the rest of the world. The nature and quality of that relationship will enable us to serve effectively according to our aim.

channelsChannels: As we aim to be channels we are acknowledging that we want God to be at work through us. We may sometimes be aware of this, but not always, and this reminds us to offer ourselves in prayer, not seeking the pursuit of our own egos, but rather God’s glory and grace.

of God'sOf God’s:  Although we long for God to be at work through us, as channels of the Spirit we are not merely passive. We place ourselves at God’s disposal, “in the way” of his flowing Spirit and close to others so they may be connected through his grace.

transformingTransforming: In offering ourselves as channels of God’s transforming love we don’t imagine we’re especially holy, or indispensable to all he’s doing. On the contrary, we recognise our own need to change and be changed in every way. From this place we offer ourselves in Jesus’ service, to bring his transformation to others not only at a personal level – but also at the social and structural levels of our community.

loveLove: it’s God’s love, ultimately, that changes everything; his love through which the world came into being; his love which awakens us; his love which stays with us, forgiving and teaching us again and again. God’s love must always be the measure of our actions and attitudes.


You can read something of what our vision means in practice by downloading annual report 2013.

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill