For Men: First Tuesday – AKA “Men at the Pub” We meet at around 8pm at the Crown and Sceptre on Brixton Hill for a low cost meal & drink and a chance to catch up.
Once per year – we have a Men’s Breakfast with a speaker. Around 30-40 men come along, with women from the church cooking and serving. Then a little later in the year we cook and serve for them. It’s a great exercise in joy and mutual support.
For Women: Third Thursday – The group AKA “Church Chicks” meets slightly less often then the men – and not always on a Thursday – but with more of a programme. So in a curious reversal of stereotypes, while the men may be nattering down the pub, the women are getting all purposeful with a programme.
Once per year – at the start of the summer it’s time for the women’s breakfast, cooked and served by the men.