Living Finances

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The ministry and mission of Holy Trinity Church is almost entirely dependent on donations of time, energy, skill and money. If we were to cost all the work done by volunteers we would not be able to last for more than a couple of weeks. Nevertheless, we still have a huge and demanding budget.

The biggest single annual demand on our budget is our contribution to the Diocese. That benefits Tulse Hill directly by paying for our Vicar and the vicarage, as well as indirectly in a number of ways.

We also have special funds, ring-fenced for building maintenance, our Imagine Project, our CAP Debt Relief Centre, and our Straw Bale Hub.  For example, in 2015 we are having the high level stonework repaired. It is essential work because stone is falling off our building and could kill someone. But it will cost £40k and wipe out our building fund. Beyond that we have huge annual bills for heating and insurance.

One way of addressing this situation is to apply for grants – which we do.  Sadly, English Heritage, after making some very promised noises, turned us down regarding the stonework. Ultimately, the reality is that we depend on the financial support of church members – which is hard, when our parish in the 8% “most deprived” in England.

If you can contribute towards meeting the financial need at Holy Trinity, the simplest way is by online bank transfer.  Our Bank Details are:
Holy Trinity & St Matthias PCC
Sort Code 20-94-67
Account Number: 40479977
Mark your donation: “General” “Imagine” “CAP” “Building”

To contribute to the Straw Bale Hub the details are:
Sort Code 20-94-67
Account Number: 50392839
Mark your donation “Phase IV”

If you pay tax, please complete a Gift Aid Form and return it to
Jim Maddox, 69 Claverdale Rd, London, SW2 2DH

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill