Alpha Course

We run a six week Alpha Course at Holy Trinity, covering many crucial questions of the Christian faith:

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did Jesus die on the Cross?
  • Did Jesus rise from the Dead?
  • Can I trust the Bible?
  • How should I pray?
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

A few weeks after our six week course, we come back together for a reunion evening, when we explore what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Typical comments on the course include:

“totally transformative”

“underpinned my faith”

“I feel much better grounded in what I believe”

Each evening begins at 7pm with gathering and nibbles, followed by a meal together, a talk, and small groups for discussion.

If you’ve got questions about Christianity or want to find out more, come along to Alpha.

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill