
RD with guitarVicar:  Rev. Richard Dormandy.
Richard has been Vicar since the end of 2009.  “Holy Trinity was always the church I had dreamed of coming to. Tulse Hill is a great place, and the church is so involved in the local community.” Richard is married to Ruth. They have two grown up sons and a granddaughter. Richard is the author of “The Madness of St Paul,” three Kindle Books “Unauthorised Liturgies“, as well as a range of articles, numerous songs and kids’ musicals. “When I take assembly, one of the easiest ways to prepare is to write a set of songs.”  He also helps lead worship at Continuing the Journey conference, helps with training in the diocese, and is on the Board of Ministry Today.  You can find Richard on Twitter @strawvic and you can find out more via his website. Richard supports Crystal Palace.

WilliamHonorary Curate:  Rev. William Sharpe.
William has been at Holy Trinity since 2011, but he has lived in the area much longer.  Originally from Ghana he is married to Jenny and they also have two grown up sons.  During the week, and on some weekends, William works as a Chaplain at Guys & St Thomas, as well as at Unite Union. William has been ordained in the Church of England for over 10 years, and he has also had considerable previous experience in the Pentecostal tradition. William enjoys jazz and gospel music to while away the tensions of his busy life! He supports Spurs.

The website of Holy Trinity & St Matthias Church, Tulse Hill