Sunday 8th March
The good news of the gospel is that when Jesus died on the cross, God the Son was sucking into his condemned body all the sin of all people across all places and through all time. He took it to the place that was furthest from God, and then rose again without it to live in union with God. Your sin is forgiven! Your shame is gone! You have a new chance to stand up, stand tall, stand forgiven and stand free!
All posts by richard.dormandy
A New Teacher for Y5
We were all sad to say goodbye to Mr Cluto, at Holy Trinity School, and for some time, his Y5 class seemed to be wearing out supply teachers as quickly as they could arrive. The situation caused stress to parents, staff, governors and church members alike – a great class was becoming unsettled and failing to reach their potential. Praise God, then, for the recent appointment of Miss Kenton who is finding her feet quickly and getting the class back into shape.